Facebook公司 (FB) 2021 年第 1 季度盈利电话记录

美股研究社 出处:二牛网 2021-04-29 15:57

Facebook Inc (纳斯达克:FB) 2021年第1 季度盈利电话日期为 2021 年 4 月 28 日。


















下午好。我的名字是法国,我今天将是你们的会议运营商。此时,我欢迎大家参加 Facebook 2021 年第一季度收益电话会议。[操作员说明]



谢谢。下午好,欢迎收听 Facebook 第一季度收益电话会议。今天和我一起讨论我们的结果的是首席执行官马克·扎克伯格:谢丽尔·桑德伯格,库奥;还有首席财务官戴夫·韦纳

在我们开始之前,我想借此机会提醒你,我们今天的讲话将包括前瞻性发言。实际结果可能与这些前瞻性陈述所设想的结果存在重大差异。可能导致这些结果出现重大差异的因素在今天的新闻稿和我们提交给 SEC 的 10-K 表格年度报告中都有规定。我们在此电话上发表的任何前瞻性声明都基于今天的假设,我们不承担因新信息或未来事件而更新这些陈述的义务。

在此通话中,我们可能同时提出公认会计原则和非公认会计原则财务措施。在今天的收益新闻稿中包括公认会计原则与非公认会计原则措施的对账。新闻稿和随附的投资者介绍可在 investor.fb.com 的网站上找到。




现在转向结果。这是另一个强劲的季度,超过 27 亿人现在每天使用我们的一个或多个应用程序,超过 2亿家企业使用我们的工具接触客户,这已经是第 10 年了。我感到自豪的是,我们继续为世界各地的人们和企业提供价值。在过去的几个季度里,我们的业务表现比我们预期的要好。这让我们有信心在几个关键领域有意义地增加我们的投资,这些领域有可能改变公司的长期发展轨迹。


任务2做的比我们预期的要好,即使在假期之后。我们继续看到良好的参与度,我们不断发送更新,使Quest越来越好,包括Air Link,它能够从PC无线流的游戏和内容,并支持120赫兹刷新率。现在,在无线外形中实现Quest的高质量是一个重大突破,电线缠绕在你周围,只是真正打破了存在感和沉浸感。该技术在无线方面提供出色的体验是非常先进的,大多数公司将无法提供这种体验,但我们相信,这是高质量体验的最低标准。

本季度我们还分享了更多关于我们未来的投资,包括用于与AR交互的神经接口,我们开始测试我们新的阿凡达系统,这将是人们表达自己和连接方式的关键部分。一个有趣的趋势是,我们看到应用程序生态系统扩展到游戏以外的其他类别。最常用的应用程序是社交,这符合我们原来的理论,为什么我们想建立这个平台摆在首位。我们还看到了生产力,甚至健身应用程序。例如,我们推出了一个工具,让人们可以订阅FitXR等服务,在VR中做拳击和舞蹈,就像他们在佩洛顿骑自行车一样。我们引入了应用实验室,因此开发人员可以直接向消费者发送其应用的早期版本,而无需经过 Oculus 商店和应用实验室与 PC 流之间,我们在应用商店的更开放模式中处于开创性,这些模式目前在手机上可用。



我们还专注于在我们的应用程序上构建更多本地商务工具。我们最近更新了 WhatsApp 目录,以便企业可以从计算机中更新它们,并包括库存。我们去年在 Whatsapp 上推出了手推车, 人们用它们发送订单超过 500 万次。我们还在建设更广泛的基础设施,以支持商业,从支付到客户服务和支持,WhatsApp 付款现在在印度,我们已获得巴西的批准,不久也将推出。

我们开始看到人们与企业沟通的方式发生了有意义的转变。对很多人来说,网上商务不是我们的网站和商店,而更多的是关于消息传递的。因此,人们希望从聊天中获得支持并直接进行购买。小型企业希望展示其产品并通过消息接受订单,而大型企业希望可靠、安全的基础设施能够与客户沟通。使用 WhatsApp 业务 API 的企业,在 COVID 高峰期,在过去一年中每天发送超过 1 亿条消息,信使和 Instagram 上的人和企业之间的日常对话增长了 40% 以上。超过 300 万广告客户已经使用 Click 向广告发送消息,将用户引导到 Messenger,自从我们推出"点击 WhatsApp 广告"以来,已有近 1 家广告客户开始使用它们。现在,在下一步,我们将有可能直接在 WhatsApp 业务应用中创建 WhatsApp 广告。




例如,我最近讨论了我们的音频路线图,我们已经支持私人音频通信的音频呼叫,但现在我们也在建设实时音频室,我们认为这将特别有利于团体和社区。我们正在构建声音咬分享和广泛消费短格式音频剪辑,我们支持播客共享和收听长格式音频。我们还与 Spotify 合作, 在 Facebook 应用程序中推出一个音乐播放器。因此,我们还需要将这些体验与货币化的简单选项联系起来,无论是订阅、小费还是使创作者能够提供产品推荐并实现商业。

通过 Instagram 和 Facebook,我们拥有将创作者和商业聚集在一起的独特能力,我们将在今年晚些时候分享更多。这些围绕创造者、商业和下一个计算平台的努力是未来我们翻倍的一些大领域。在每一个,有一个独特的机会,以帮助人们以更深层次的方式连接和支持一个更强大的经济为每个人。我乐观地认为,我们在所有这些领域的工作将有助于加速我们在世界上看到的积极新兴趋势。




随着越来越多的企业转向在线,我们的表现在很大程度上是由持续的数字化转型推动的。多年来,我们投资于支持这种转变的产品和工具,这些投资帮助许多企业在流感大流行期间重塑了自己。我工作最好的部分之一是,我可以见到中小企业主,听听他们在想什么。他们中的许多人告诉我他们是如何利用 Facebook 来适应和成长的。在本季度与底特律中小企业的虚拟圆桌会议上,丽莎·约翰逊经营着一家名为LJ Essentials的全天然护肤品公司,当COVID受到打击时,她不得不关闭自己的商店,她创办了一个名为"花园"的Facebook小组,目前拥有1000多名会员。他们给她的产品的想法,当她做项目,他们建议,她说,他们卖得比她能保持他们在货架上快。通过在网上转来转去,她已经能够取代她从商店失去的所有收入。


像其他人一样,我交谈过的企业主想知道接下来会发生什么。许多人在网上订购。因此,即使事情完全重新开放,他们希望能够做更多的在线比他们以前。因此,可以理解的是,他们问我们,我们能做些什么来帮助他们不只是现在,但从长远来看。部分答案是继续改进我们的工具和产品,并创造新的工具和产品,以满足他们的需求。部分原因在于帮助他们驾驭即将出现的逆风,无论是 iOS 14 变化还是潜在监管。

第一部分,工具和产品。我们都进入从第一天的COVID,我们快速跟踪我们的工作,以帮助人们在网上买卖。最初,我们专注于为卖家提供合适的体验。正如马克所说,我们近一年前就推出了商店。我们继续开发新功能,以帮助个性化购物体验,并与合作伙伴合作,使交易尽可能无缝。我们创建了新的格式,如实时购物,这使我们的平台可以提供的独特商务体验栩栩如生。现在,我们同样专注于获得适合消费者的体验。我们正在更多国家推出 Shop 标签,并探索新的身临其境的格式,如产品标签和贴纸,让更多的人与他们喜爱的创作者和品牌一起购物。

我们还在不断开发和改进我们的广告产品,以帮助企业接触他们所处的位置,并获得尽可能好的投资回报。我们继续看到我们大量投资的故事广告和视频广告的强劲增长。我们还在 Facebook Watch 的广告中看到了强劲的增长,目前每月访问量超过 12.5 亿人次。随着观看视频的人数不断增加,我们正在为企业和创作者提供更多机会来接触他们。我们正在将付费在线活动扩展到更多国家/我们正在让更多的人投放流媒体广告,包括实时视频广告,我们正在开发短篇视频广告,我们正在测试内容创作者通过看起来像贴纸的广告来赚钱的能力。

在第二部分逆风。是的,个性化广告面临挑战,我们对此持开放态度。我们正在做大量的准备工作。我们正在与客户合作,实施 Apple 的 API 和我们自己的聚合事件测量 API,以减轻 iOS 14 更改的影响。我们正在重建我们的广告技术的有意义的元素,以便我们的系统在未来访问较少的数据时继续执行。我们与 W3C 等行业机构就隐私增强技术等举措进行了长期合作,这些技术提供个性化体验,同时限制对人们信息的访问。我们还需要继续制作个性化广告,这对人们和企业都有好处,并更好地解释它是如何工作的。让人们意识到个性化广告是隐私保护。







让我们从我们的社区指标开始。我们估计,3月份约有27亿人每天至少使用我们的一项服务,大约34亿人每月至少使用一项服务。请注意,这些第 1 季度家庭指标反映了最近用户调查的新数据。有关我们家庭指标的更多详细信息,请包含在我们的 IR 网站上的收入幻灯片中。




Other revenue, was $732 million, up 146% driven by continued strong Quest 2 sales. We’ve been encouraged by the sustained strength we’re seeing with sales of Quest 2 since its October launch.

Turning now to expenses. Q1 total expenses were $14.8 billion, up 25% compared to last year. In terms of the specific line items. Cost of revenue increased 48%, driven mostly by core infrastructure investments, hardware costs related to Quest 2 sales and payments to partners. R&D increased 29%, driven mostly by hiring to support our core products and consumer hardware efforts. Marketing and sales increased 2% with growth in hiring, partially offset by lower marketing spend. Lastly, G&A expenses increased 2% with growth in employee-related costs, partially offset by lapping higher bad debt expenses related to COVID in the first quarter of last year. We added over 2,000 net new hires in Q1, primarily in technical functions. We ended the quarter with over 60,600 full-time employees, up 26% compared to last year.

First quarter operating income was $11.4 billion representing a 43% operating margin. Our tax rate was 17%. Net income was $9.5 billion or $3.30 per share. Capital expenditures, including capital leases were $4.4 billion, driven by investments in data centers, servers, network infrastructure and office facilities. Free cash flow was $7.8 billion. We repurchased $4.1 billion of our Class A common stock in the first quarter and we ended the quarter with $64.2 billion in cash and marketable securities.

In terms of sustainability, I’m pleased to report that Facebook’s global operations have now reached net zero emissions and are 100% supported by renewable energy. This is an important milestone for our business, but we also recognize there is more work to do in the years ahead. And we remain committed to our next goal of decarbonizing our entire value chain in 2030. Additional information on our ongoing efforts across environmental, social and governance areas can be found in our recently filed proxy statement.

Turning now to the outlook. We are pleased with the strength of our advertising revenue growth in the first quarter of 2021, which was driven by a 30% year-over-year increase in the average price per ad and a 12% increase in the number of ads delivered. We expect that advertising revenue growth will continue to be primarily driven by price during the rest of 2021. We expect second quarter 2021 year-over-year total revenue growth to remain stable or modestly accelerate relative to the growth rate in the first quarter of 2021 as we lap slower growth related to the pandemic during the second quarter of 2020. In the third and fourth quarters of 2021, we expect year-over-year total revenue growth rates to significantly decelerate sequentially as we lap periods of increasingly strong growth. We continue to expect increased ad targeting headwinds in 2021 from regulatory and platform changes, notably the recently launched iOS 14.5 update, which we expect to begin having an impact in the second quarter. This is factored into our outlook. There is also continuing uncertainty around the viability of transatlantic data transfers in light of recent European regulatory developments and like companies across a wide range of industries, we are closely monitoring the potential impact on our European operations as these developments progress.

Turning now to expenses. We expect 2021 total expenses to be in the range of $70 billion to $73 billion, updated from our prior outlook of $68 billion to $73 billion. The year-over-year growth in expenses is driven by investments in technical and product talent, infrastructure and consumer related costs. We remain committed to investing for long-term growth and our expense outlook reflects the underlying strength of our business and the compelling investment opportunities we see across our products including consumer hardware. We expect 2021 capital expenditures to be in the range of $19 billion to $21 billion, down from our prior estimate of $21 billion to $23 billion. Our capital expenditures are driven primarily by our investments in data centers, servers, network infrastructure and office facilities. Turning now to tax. We continue to expect our full-year 2021 tax rate to be in the high teens.

In closing the pandemic during the past year has presented some incredible challenges to our global community. During this time, we have worked to help both businesses and consumers stay connected. We remain focused on helping people and businesses navigate the transition out of the pandemic as more regions reopen.

With that France, let’s open up the call for questions.

Questions and Answers:


Thank you. We will now open the lines for a question-and-answer session. [Operator Instructions] Our first question will be from the line of Brian Nowak with Morgan Stanley. Please go ahead.

Brian Nowak — Morgan Stanley — Analyst

Thanks for taking my question. I have two. The first one, just curious for a little self-report card if you will around commerce. You made a lot of progress around the million Shops, 250 million Shop visitors, where would you say you’ve made the most progress for advertisers and merchants so far. And then as you sort of look into the back half and into ’22, what are the biggest areas of innovation that you’re really focused on to continue to grow that number? Maybe talk about non-advertising monetization optionality? And the second one I had is around as we — I know it’s early in the reopening but, would be curious to hear about what you’re seeing from an engagement or time spent perspective of your user base in the areas of the world that a little bit more reopened and how you’re thinking about that in the back half?

Sheryl Sandberg — Chief Operating Officer

I can start on the first. So there is a lot of commerce activity on our platform already. People really discover lots of products through our feed and ad stories. They are seeing in Stories ads. It’s been our largest ad vertical. COVID really accelerated it, but it’s been one of the fastest growing verticals we’ve had over the last five years, and we believe that Facebook drives hundreds of billions of dollars of offsite e-commerce GMV today through our ads business. So we’ve certainly made a ton of progress there and our goal going forward are; we want to continue to be the very best place to advertise. We’re going to have to do work to do that, as I mentioned in my remarks that we can still use data in a privacy stealth way, get the right apps to the right person at the right time. But we think we are market leaders here.

The other work we’re doing and Mark talked about it in his remarks and I did as well, is to make it easier to sell on our platform. Now the shopping experience is really well defined in other places and we are later to that than we work at ads. So we know we have a lot of work to do. We’re working with partners to build some of the parts of the experience that we’re not as expert in and we’re integrating and we’re integrating products like Shops. We have more than 1 million active shops and more than 250 million people interacting with merchandise per month. So we’ve made some good progress, but we recognize that getting to a really seamless transaction experience is going to take work on our side and we’re going to continue to invest there.

I think another area where we do have to do more, is we have to improve the consumer experience to help people transact on the platform. And we’ve done I think more work on the business side and the integration side, and now we are focused on continuing to build that and continuing to balance out the consumer experience. For the foreseeable future, ads are going to be the vast majority of our revenue in this area and that commerce vertical is so important to us. We don’t need commerce itself or fees that are take part of what happens in order to make the investment worthwhile, but we really have to focus on helping more businesses move online and have a great experience on our platform and that along with ads makes this a very worthwhile investment for us.

Dave Wehner — Chief Financial Officer

Hey, Brian, it’s Dave. I’ll take the second question. So I think broadly what we’re seeing is just engagement trends that are going back to a more normalized level. So if you think about the past year it’s been pretty noisy because of COVID. In the first quarter of 2020, we saw a significant increase in engagement as a result of the pandemic and we’ve seen some of those trends subside as the year progressed. And we saw a gradual phase down of lockdowns. I don’t think anything hugely dramatic, but it’s certainly something that we’re seeing in the engagement trends and that’s one of the factors that’s playing into price being a bigger driver of growth on the revenue side, because of the impression growth being lower and I’d say COVID is certainly a factor in that.

On the revenue front, I think, there we’re seeing continued strong demand with products and even — and then we’re seeing services spend come back. So I think that’s kind of a quick landscape of what we’re seeing with the COVID impacts.


Our next question is from the line of Justin Post with Bank of America. Please go ahead.

Justin Post — Bank of America — Analyst

Great, thank you. Maybe one for Mark and one for Dave. I think there has been some questions on engagement just because you see the strong growth of things like TikTok or maybe Snap, but you’ve built some super platforms within Facebook with the Watch usage in marketplaces. Could you comment on what you’re seeing with overall engagement and as people use these new platforms. Is it growing, time spent on other factors. And then the second question maybe to Dave, any surprises with the iOS 14-5 update? And any comments on what you — what you’ve seen with users who have already opted out of tracking before this update? Thank you.

Dave Wehner — Chief Financial Officer

Hey, Justin, it’s Dave. Yes, I can take both of those. So, yes, on the impression growth front, I think we’re seeing a couple of factors we talked about the COVID impact and the return to more normal levels and that’s affecting some of the impression growth. The second factor that we’re seeing and it kind of gets it some of your question, which is we’re seeing really strong engagement on video, particularly internationally. And that’s — we’re pleased with that. I’d point to a couple of examples there, I’d say Facebook Watch and we talked about the 1.25 billion users. Also Reels is starting to get traction on — and doing well on Instagram. Video currently has relatively fewer impressions on a time spent basis. So that’s playing into the engagement trends as well. And then finally, I would say, we are seeing competition in News Feed from both our own video products and also others products as well. So that’s factoring into it.

And then, your second question was regarding any surprises with iOS 14.5. Look, I think it’s really early they just began rolling out the updates. So it’s sort of very, very low kind of penetration rates of the new OS at this point. But a couple of things, I’d say, we continue to be concerned about the impact that this update is going to have on the ability of small businesses to use their advertising budgets effectively. That said the impact on our own business, we think will be manageable. We continue to expect it will be a headwind for the remainder of the year, but we’re making encouraging progress as Sheryl mentioned on our own solutions to help advertisers navigate these changes and that includes helping advertisers work with the Apple API as well as our own approach to using aggregated data for targeting and measurement that we call Aggregated Events Management. So the goal there is really to maintain and in the long run even improve performance with less data.

So — and then I’d also add just in addition to these mitigations, we’re also just seeing very strong overall ad demand, which is contributing to a more positive outlook for 2021. And I would say just overall, the impact of these — the specific iOS 14 changes are one element of some of the challenges with Apple. But we think the impact of the Apple approach is really much bigger than this particular update around third-party data usage. Apple has a number of private APIs on hardware and software that advantage their around products and services in ways that are challenging. And we face that issue with — in places like our messaging products and even with the hardware products we’re launching. So we generally don’t think that this closed approach is the best one for the industry from an innovation perspective. Go ahead France, next question.


Our next question from Doug Anmuth with JPMorgan. Please go ahead.

Doug Anmuth — JPMorgan — Analyst

Thanks for taking the question. One for Mark. Mark, you highlighted the three areas where you’re doubling down across AR and VR, commerce and the creator economy. Hope you could talk about whether you view these efforts has helping Facebook control its destiny more as a platform, perhaps giving you more first-party data and whether they insulate you from other ecosystems over time? Thanks.

Mark Zuckerberg — Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Sure, I can talk about that. I think we mostly think about these things from the perspective of improving the experiences that we can build. So augmented and virtual reality, I have thought about for a long time, because I think that it’s sort of the Holy Grail of delivering a sense of presence and the types of social experiences that you would want to build. So right now, and I guess for the whole history of the company, we’ve been constrained to a web browser and now in some cases it is increasingly restrictive mobile app rule. But I think that this future environment where you’re going to be able to feel like you’re really present with someone else, that’s going to be really powerful and it’s going to unlock a bunch of experiences that we wanted to build for a long time and that’s what I’m really excited about.

Similarly on the commerce side, part of this is motivated by wanting to help out small businesses and different businesses sell more across our platform and a lot of it is also just about making the consumer experience better. So right now, a lot of times you’ll click on an ad, you’ll see an interesting ad and it will take you to a website, and the website won’t necessarily have full context on who you are, the payments experience will be clunky in doing that. And there’s just an opportunity I think to make that all a lot more seamless. And when it is seamless it bodes as a better experience for the people using it within lot of converts better for the businesses and performs better.

So I think the way we’re going to approach this is largely from starting with having built out this very robust ad system and then just basically working our way down the experience from there. So making it so, so businesses and creators can have Shops and that the ads can then link into Shops and have a native shopping experience and that over time we will also increasingly — as our payment systems get better and better and more people have credentials on file, I would imagine that going all the way through the funnel will become an increasing part of what people do and that will both be a better experience for consumers and convert better for businesses.

Similar story on the Creator side. Here our main goal is not necessarily that the Creator economy is a major business by itself, but if we become the best place for creators to make a living, then I think that’s going to mean that there is better content across the services and better opportunities for community building and engaging people and that’s what we care about. But of course, if there is more engagement and if creators are finding that there are good opportunities to monetize then they’ll engage more with our business products too and there will be some opportunity there. But, I kind of think about all this stuff from the perspective of improving the products. And I think that that’s going to lead to a lot of benefits for all of the stakeholders over the next several years.

Dave Wehner — Chief Financial Officer

Thanks, Mark. France, we can go ahead and go to the next question.


Our next question is from the line of Ross Sandler with Barclays. Please go ahead.

Ross Sandler — Barclays — Analyst

Hey. Question for Mark. So this — I think recently this week, there were congressional hearings on this concept of algorithmic amplification or how algorithms on Facebook or Instagram surface content to kind of maximize engagement and sometimes that means some of the more controversial content is what gets surfaced. So first off, is that a fair characterization? And if you guys were forced to maybe change up the way all these algorithms work, what might — what kind of impact will then actually have on engagement? I mean 10 years ago, the new seat was coming for the whole story. But now we’re talking about many different areas within the apps. So how much is from this algorithmic driven content versus utility style engagement like going into Messenger or going into marketplace or something that’s just kind of an everyday behavior? Thanks a lot.

Mark Zuckerberg — Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Sure, I can start taking this some and then Wehner you can jump in if you want to add anything. Overall, I think the narrative that you are pointing to is dramatically overstated by critics. We do not optimize our systems to increase the amount of time spent in News Feed, I explicitly do not give our News Feed team or the Instagram feed team goals around time spent. Our belief is that if we build a product that is more valuable, then people will engage more, but you should start by trying to build something that’s more valuable, not by trying to increase the time that people are spending. So we’ve done that for years and I think it’s yielded good results. So from that perspective, I know that what you’re saying is something that that some folks like to go around and say, but I actually think that the more of that, different regulators or other folks dig into this. I actually think that our practices here are quite robust and we don’t want extreme — extremist content or any of that stuff on our services. So if anything to the contrary of trying to promote that, we go out of our way to try to reduce that. And I think that contrary to what a lot of these other folks say, it is actually in our business interest to reduce it, because people don’t like it right? I mean, consumers don’t like it. Advertisers don’t want to be near it. So I don’t actually think that this kind of narrative about the company is accurate, and we’ve tried to hard to dispel it. I don’t think we’ve been super successful at that. We will continue trying to work on that, but just to kind of be clear about how I see things that’s, that’s the basic download.

I think News Feed is still a huge part of the product and the home feed and Instagram but increasingly, stories is a big deal and Instagram a lot of people are using Explorer and IG TV, Video and Watch on Facebook are quite big. And as you say, a lot of people spend a lot of their time and attention is in messaging apps and private interfaces like that as well. So I meant there are a lot of different things that people are doing across the services, but Wehner can jump in with any more color on that that he wants to add.

Dave Wehner — Chief Financial Officer

I mean, the only thing I’d add here as Mark said, I think more than anyone else in the industry we invest on the safety and security side to sort of keep that content off the site before it gets ranked and put into what people see. So we’ve got 35,000 — over 35,000 people on the safety and security side. We’ve got the most robust set of content policies out there. We do a quarterly call, public call around our content review process and procedures. So I think that — on the front before it even gets into the algorithm, I think we really do more than anyone else in the industry on the safety and security front to prevent things like misinformation and bad content going into the system in the first place.




太好了,非常感谢。我有一个关于马克VR的两部分问题。马克,你已经谈论VR很长时间了,基本上每个季度。我只是想知道发生了什么, 这个特定的季度, 这是迫使你想加倍的虚拟现实。这个季度可能实现的是什么——让你想要这样做?我想更重要的是,与此相关的是,Facebook是否需要拥有一个工作室,或者一系列工作室来加速内容的推出,这应该有助于推动采用,因为另一个摩擦点是价格,你已经将单位降低到299,这是一个非常有吸引力的价格?谢谢。


我可以从这个开始, 然后韦纳可以跳到第二点, 如果你想添加任何东西。在什么改变了,我认为这里的大piece是,任务2做得很好。我的意思是,我不想夸大其内容,因为我认为与那些平台相比——今天取得了巨大的成功,这显然是在小端。但是,在收养和参与方面,我们看到一个非常真实的拐点与任务2。感觉就像我们打的质量栏和我们打的价格,事实上,我们能够做到这一点的无线外形。但我认为,首先,我认为要满足这些不同的属性,对其他人来说都是非常困难的。







太好了,谢谢两个问题一个在AR/VR标记上。在构建和投资平台时,您期望 AR VR 能够更广泛地采用哪种功能?什么样的最终推动快节奏的加速消费者采用?然后是戴夫的第二个问题一季度成本增速低于预期。你在中点稍微提高了整整一年。有什么东西可以叫出来吗?谢谢。






然后,约翰,是戴夫。就第一季度的总支出,我叫出了一些项目在我的评论,但我认为你有几个因素。其一,与去年第一季度相比,营销支出相对较低,那里的增长较低,然后是你——我们有一笔坏账支出,我认为这对Facebook来说并不是独一无二的。我想你在其他一些公司也看到了这一点, 我们去年第 1 季度采取了与我们对 COVID 周围可收集性的期望有关。因此,这也考虑了对增长率的一些比较。

然后,当你看今年剩下的时间,几件事情。一是业务实力一般是给我们信心,我们正在寻找更多的投资领域。因此,我们将继续在 Mark 评论中概述的优先项目上进行研发投资,然后在今年剩余时间里,我们将看到营销等业务有所回升。因此,这正是您期待费用增长加速的动力。然后COVID比较是,是一点点。只是有不同的费用线与COVID的影响。因此,它有点嘈杂,以及。法国,你可以去下一个问题。




谢谢。两个问题首先,谢丽尔,过去你曾谈到广告是一种相对的投资回报率收益。因此,当您考虑从 iOS 变化的转变时,可能会从运营中的短期逆风转变为潜在的逆风,因为其他渠道的广告相对而言会损失投资回报率。这是发生在几个月, 季度, 在一年内发生的事情, 比如谈论你如何看待潜在的演变。然后是第二个谢丽尔,你也谈到开始投入更多资金在购物方面积累消费者体验。因此,也许你可以带我们通过一些东西,你认为Facebook可以独特的带来电子商务,可能使一个新的更好的用户体验,是AR VR,是-什么东西,可以真正使Facebook脱颖而出的消费者在电子商务。



在时间方面,你特别问,我们真的不知道。iOS 14 更改是全新的。州一级、全球或区域一级或国家一级可能发生的监管变化尚未发生。因此,我们将不得不看到。我并不真正了解这些变化会是什么,它们现在将产生什么影响。因此,我们非常专注于竞争这些广告美元,并尽我们所能做到这一点。











就你的观点而言,其他类型的服务,这对商业、支付、Facebook Pay等都很重要,最终希望我们能推出Novi和——对不起,Diem很快,那就是,我认为这将是一件相当大的事情,这是非常重要的,因为所有的原因,你说所有这些平台的商业将是非常重要的,当然,在一个平台,我们正在建设这样的,我们希望使付款很容易做到这一点,经济学都工作为开发人员。




非常好。我们的最后一个问题将来自迈克尔 · 内森森和莫菲特纳森的台词。请继续。




我可以从谈论创造者经济作品开始。我知道这里有几个重要的组成部分,创作者需要。一个是创造性的工具,能够分享从任何类型的写作到音频到视频到所有这些不同的媒介的全方位表达。然后,第二个是将这项工作与大量受众联系起来,帮助人们找到他们的受众和社区。然后第三个是货币化。我想说, 我们可能是今天后两个最强的。我认为我们有创造性的工具,我们将在建造这些工具上投入更多资金。但是,当涉及到帮助人们接触到最大的受众或找到他们特定的受众时,我认为我们是世界级的。我认为我们是最棒的。



迈克尔,我会回答第二个关于定价的问题。我认为——关于定价的真正简单故事是,对广告的需求刚刚高于我们的预期。我认为,如果你必须选择一个垂直的,这将是商业的表现优于。但这是一个——很明显,这和我们的商业努力是完全一成对的。但它确实是一个更广泛的故事, 真的几乎每个垂直是非常强大的。我认为我们仍然有点-我们仍然看到一些垂直的复苏,从COVID较弱,如旅游,但我们开始看到,我认为一些生命的迹象,在一些其他的垂直,受到COVID的负面影响,但真正只是全面强大的广告需求一直是推动它为我们。我认为,你谈到的两年比较是一个有用的比较,因为当你只看2020年与2021年相比,我们的年收入增长率有很多噪音。我认为,如果你做一个两年的比较——看看按季度计算的同比增长率,我认为,我们预计,在2020年,经济增长将更加正常化,而不仅仅是从疲软的季度中反弹过来,然后我认为,随着从比较基础到2020年,季度将相应走强。但是的,简单的故事广告客户的需求,比我们预期的要好。


